Today, a series of one-day online trainings “Representation of the interests of the state in court by a prosecutor” for prosecutors of regional prosecutor’s offices came to an end. The training lasted from February 22 to 24, 2021.

Training modules:
- principles of prosecutor’s activity on filing lawsuits for indemnification, damage, elimination of other consequences of corruption and corruption-related offenses;
- principles of representation by the prosecutor during execution of court decisions.

The trainers were:
Oksana Osadcha – head of the Department of Representation of the State’s Interests in Court of the Office of the Prosecutor General;
Oleksiy Melnyk – deputy head of the Department – head of the First Division for Representation of the State’s Interests in the Court of the Prosecutor General’s Office;
Natalia Vasylenko – deputy head of the Department – head of the Third Division of Representation of State Interests in the Court of the Prosecutor General’s Office.
Moderator of the event: Artem Lazarev – consultant of the analytical department at Prosecutor’s Training Center of Ukraine.