Director of Prosecutor`s Training Center of Ukraine
Doctor of Law
In 1999 graduated with honors from the Faculty of Law of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and obtained a Master's degree in Law.
From 2001 worked as an assistant, associate professor, professor of civil law at the Faculty of Law of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
In 2002 defended her PhD thesis entitled “Penalty in the Civil Law of Ukraine” (specialty 12.00.03 Civil Law and Civil Procedure; Family Law; Private International Law).
In 2014 she defended her doctoral thesis entitled “Mechanism of civil and law regulation of tort obligations” (specialty 12.00.03 Civil Law and Civil Procedure; Family Law; Private International Law).
Since 2015 Vice-dean for Research and International relations of the Faculty of Law of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
Ms. Otradnova was a member of the Scientific Advisory Board at the Supreme Court of Ukraine, is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board at the Supreme Court.
She has vast experience in scientific supervision in the specialty 081 “Law” at the PhD and doctoral levels. She was a member of the specialized academic council of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and the specialized academic council of the V.M. Koretsky Institute of State and Law of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
She has combined her work as a lecturer, researcher and expert with practical activities.
She is an expert in accreditation of educational programs of the National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance.
Working languages: Ukrainian, English, Russian
e-mail: [email protected]

Deputy Director of the Prosecutor’s Training Center of Ukraine
Doctor of Law, Associate Professor
2000 – 2005: The National Academy of Internal Affairs
Associate Professor in Law (Criminal Law and Criminology)
2005 – 2014: The National Academy of Prosecution of Ukraine
Professor of the Department of Public Prosecution Support; Head of the Department of Functional Activities of Prosecutors of the Research Institute
2014: Prosecutor General’s Office
First Deputy Head of the International Legal Department
2014 – 2016: The National Academy of Prosecution of Ukraine
Head of the Department of Public Prosecution Support; Deputy Head of the Prosecutor's Training Department for Support of Public Prosecution in Court
2016 – 2018: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Leading researcher of the Faculty of Law
2017 – 2020: Public organization “Expert Center for Human Rights”
Head of the Human Rights in Pre-Trial Investigation Program
2020 – today: Prosecutor’s Training Center of Ukraine
Deputy Director (for educational activities). Responsible for creating a system of training of prosecutors (development of a mechanism for assessing the training needs of prosecutors, introduction of a system of voluntary selection of trainings and training courses by prosecutors, organization of selection and training of external trainers, introduction of new training programs, etc.).
Author of more than 150 publications, 5 scientific monographs and 12 scientific and practical manuals.
Recent research and publications include:
Public Prosecutor: Directs? Coordinates? Supervises? Investigates. Report on the results of the study "The role of the public prosecutor at the pre-trial stage of the criminal proceedings" / Belousov Yu. (ed.), Mitko V., Orlean A., Sushchenko V., Venher V., Yavorska V.: Kyiv, 2017 – 268 p.
The role of the public prosecutor of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office at the pre-trial stage of the process Belousov Yu., Orlean A., Venher V., Yavorska V.: Kyiv, 2018, 249 p.
The role of the investigating judge in criminal proceedings: a report on the results of the study / Belousov Yu. (ed.), Venher V., Orlean A., Krapyvin Ye., Shaputko S., Yavorska V.: Kyiv, 2020 – 252 p.
Procedural interview research. Analysis of international experience. Description of the generalized model. Analysis of the national system of training and practice / Belousov Yu., Bronevytska O., Derkach S., Lutsyk V., Orlean A., Rohalska V., Filonenko T., Yavorska V.: Kyiv, Procedural interview research in Ukraine 2020 – 232 p.
Rights of victims of violent crimes in Ukraine: international standards and national practices / Orlean A., Pavliukovets T., Krapyvin Ye., Lotiuk D., Chovhan V. (ed.): Kyiv, “Artek” Publisher, 2020, 206 p.
Standards of pre-trial investigation/ Belousov Yu. (ed.), Venher V., Hryha R., Hiulmahomedov D., Derkach S., Krapyvin Ye., Orlean A., Parkhomenko P., Petrakovskyi V., Pirohova O., Semak I./ Yavorska V.: The International Renaissance Foundation, Kyiv, 2020, 372 p.

Deputy Director of the Prosecutor’s Training Center of Ukraine
Doctor of Philosophy
1998: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Faculty of History.
2019: Doctor of Philosophy, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Institute of Adult Education) .
1999 – 2001: Medium Security Prison in Bila Tserkva (Kyiv Region)
Rehabilitation Officer
2001 – 2012: In-Service Bila Tserkva Training Center of Penitentiary Personnel/Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
Trainer / Senior trainer.
2012 – 2015: Institute of Criminal Executive Service of Ukraine of the National Academy of Internal Affairs
Senior Research Officer / Trainer.
2015-2021: In-Service Bila Tserkva Training Center of Penitentiary Personnel/Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
2022-2023: Department for Combating Human Rights Violations in the Law Enforcement and Penitentiary Areas of the Office of the Prosecutor General
2023: Prosecutor’s Training Center of Ukraine
Deputy Director.
2024: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Master’s degree in National Security.
Working languages: Ukrainian, English
Author and co-author of manuals, books and educational films.
Author and co-author of a number a manuals and books as well as a number of articles on the topics of international standards of education and service in the Criminal Executive Service.
Director and co-director of 20 educational films.
Member of official delegations of the Penitentiary Service and the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine in duty and study trips to Germany (2002), Norway (2012), Switzerland (2014), Canada (2017), France, the Council of Europe (2018), Norway (2018), Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland (2018), Romania (2019) on the exchange of best practices and professional staff training in these countries.
2006-2010: expert of the Swiss-Ukrainian project “Supporting of the penitentiary reform in Ukraine”.
2010-2012: All-Ukrainian educational program “Understand Human Rights”. It was a project of the Norwegian Helsinki Committee, International Renaissance Foundation, Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union.
2012-2013: Expert and trainer of the Council of Europe’s project “Support to Penitentiary Reform in Ukraine”.
2013-2016: Expert and trainer of the UNODC project “Enhancing the Effectiveness of Law Enforcement, Penitentiary and Drug Addiction Services in Response to the HIV / AIDS Epidemic”.
2015-2018: Partner of the DVV International (the German Adult Education Association) working in the field of professionalization of adult education.
2013-2021: Expert and trainer of the Project "Human Rights Campaign in Ukraine Using Docudays UA International Documentary Film Festival on Human Rights".
2013-2021: Partner of three Council of Europe’s successive projects in the area of prison reform.
2017-2021: Partner of the Norwegian project "Norwegian Rule of Law Advisors to Ukraine" (NORLAU).
2017-2021: Partner of the International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC).
2018-2019: Partner of the European Union Advisory Mission to Ukraine (EUAM Ukraine).
2020 – 2021: National consultant of the Council of Europe.