October 6, 2020, an offline training was held for civil servants of categories “B” and “C” of the structural units of the Office of the Prosecutor General on a special short-term training program “Professional Health of Civil Servants”. The training was designed to form a psychological culture and internal responsibility for personal health, optimize mental
October 6, 2020, aworking meeting with representatives of the Department of Justice of the US Embassy in Ukraine was held at the Prosecutor`s Training Center of Ukraine. The meeting was attended by John Engstrom, legal adviser from the US Embassy’s Department of Justice in Ukraine, Anna Yemelyanova, lawyer and Svitlana Pardus, administrative assistant, from Prosecutor`s
Olesia Otradnova, director of the Prosecutor`s Training Center of Ukraine, congratulated all candidates with the successful selection and wished them a good initial training at the PTCU. Alla Pavlova, head of the department of recruitment of prosecutors of the Office of the Prosecutor General, explained the rules of the initial training to future PGO prosecutors.
September 29-30, 2020, the Prosecutor`s Training Center of Ukraine hosted online trainings for of juvenile departments officers of regional prosecutor’s offices on the topic: “Features of the organization of procedural guidance and support of public prosecution in criminal proceedings in the field of child protection. Practical preparation aspects for the appointment of forensic examinations”. The
From September 29 to 30, 2020, a training on legal writing was held for representatives of the Office of the Prosecutor General and the Prosecutor`s Training Center of Ukraine. A two-day training, entitled “Legal writing” was held in order to illustrate the participants modern standards of “legal writing” and demonstrate specifics of writing difficult legal
Indeed a short period, but turned out to be quite enough for casting vision and mission of the Training Center, forming highly professional team, designing 10 training programs and launching intensive international cooperation. Moreover, 100 days aimed to help our team get our training machine up and running: online and offline trainings on. We understand
September 29, 2020, the HR commissions finished interview process (the final step in the selection process) of candidates to assess against performance criteria that account for practical skills and abilities. 52 candidates were successfully selected for vacant PGO prosecutorial positions. The second selection process for position of prosecutor at the OPG took place at the
September 30, a memorandum of cooperation was signed between the Prosecutor`s Training Center of Ukraine and the Higher School of Advocacy of the National Bar Association of Ukraine. The Prosecutor`s Training Center of Ukraine was represented by director, Olesia Otradnova, and the Higher School of Advocacy was represented by director, Savva Kuzmenko. The parties agreed
7 prosecutors succesfuly completed a 4-day training course «Court advocacy skills» yesterday at the Prosecutor`s Training Center of Ukraine. This training was developed for the OPG prosecutors-trainers with the assistance of the European Union Advisory Mission (EUAM) on the basis of the Prosecutor`s Training Center of Ukraine. Dmytro Bohdan, Prosecutorial Reform Officer of EUAM Lviv
An exclusive series of soft skills development trainings (August 26 to September 19, 2020) was designed for OPG prosecutors, who were appointed to the positions on the results of selection in March 2020, has come to an end. The trainings were conducted on the basis of the Prosecutor`s Training Center of Ukraine and the Pravokator