On October 27-29, the Prosecutor’s Training Center of Ukraine hosted an online training course “Application of International Humanitarian Law in Criminal Proceedings”. During the three days of training, the participants mastered the basic concepts and principles of international humanitarian law for the implementation of procedural powers in relation to criminal offenses committed in an armed
On October 26-28, 2021, the training course “Effective Head of the Regional Prosecutor’s Office” took place. During the training course “Organization of the regional prosecutor’s office” participants worked out the organization of work and features of its components, namely: distribution of responsibilities among employees, work planning, giving tasks and sending letters, coordination of law enforcement
From October 26 to 28, 2021, prosecutors improved their professional practical skills in assessing the sufficiency of evidence to prove charges in court, practiced the skills of appearing in court with introductory and indictment speeches and improved the skills of direct and cross-examination, which, in turn, will facilitate quality support of public prosecution in court.
On October 28, 2021, the training “Paperwork and culture of Ukrainian business language” was completed. On October 26-28, 2021, the Prosecutor’s Training Center of Ukraine hosted an offline training for civil servants of the prosecutor’s offices. The training was designed to increase the level of civil servants’ proficiency in the Ukrainian language as the state
A representative of the Prosecutor’s Training Center of Ukraine as part of the Ukrainian delegation paid a working visit to the Republic of Croatia. Anastasiia Markelova – Head of the External Relations Department of the Prosecutor’s Training Center of Ukraine, together with representatives of the NORLAU Project “Supporting Judicial Reform in Ukraine through the full-scale
On October 19, 2021, the training of candidates for the positions for prosecutors of district prosecutor’s offices was completed at the Prosecutor’s Training Center of Ukraine. Theoretical (initial) training lasted from 4 to 19 October 2021 online. Theoretical (initial) training and practical training were conducted in accordance with the Internship Program for candidates for the
On October 20-22, 2021, the Prosecutor’s Training Center of Ukraine hosted a training course “Peculiarities of the Prosecutors’ Powers of the Specialized Prosecutor’s Office in the Military and Defense Spheres”. The following trainings lasted for three days: “Evidence obtained as a result of the emergency (R) D”; “Application of precautionary measures”; “Prosecutor in cases of
Training on the hate crimes began this summer for future coaches – prosecutors and police officers. Participants took a two-month course on the HELP training platform and improved their knowledge in this topic. On October 23, 2021, the final part of the offline training ended. Future trainers from the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine, the
On October 18-23, 2021, a six-day training was held on the general professional training program “Civil Service in the Prosecutor’s Office in terms of legislative changes” and was designed for the first time appointed workers to civil service positions of category “B” in the prosecutor’s office. The training was conducted in order to increase the
During two days (October 21-22), participants of the training course “Application of international humanitarian law in criminal proceedings” mastered the basic concepts and principles of international humanitarian law for the implementation of procedural powers in criminal offenses committed in armed conflict. Trainers: Alina Pavliuk – Prosecutor of the Department of Supervision and Information and Analytical