On June 17, 2021, the Prosecutor’s Training Center of Ukraine completed training for civil servants of category “B” of the prosecutor’s offices on the over-all short-term training program “Human Resources Management”, which lasted from 15 to 17 June 2021. Participants improved their skills in: organization and control of staff work; orientation of the leader’s style
From June 14 to 16, 2021, at the Prosecutor’s Training Center of Ukraine, prosecutors improved their professional skills in assessing the sufficiency of evidence to prove cases in court, practiced skills in courtroom presentation, moreover participants of the training course enhanced skills of direct and cross-examinations and interrogation. The training course will contribute to the
On June 11, 2021, training course “Sentencing and Execution of Punishments, Protection of Human Rights in Prisons and Probation” was completed at the Prosecutor’s Training Center of Ukraine. The course consisted of the following trainings: “Priorities of Prosecutorial Supervision of Laws Observance in Places of Imprisonment and Prospects for Its Transformation”, “Prosecutorial Supervision of Laws
On June 11, 2021, the training course “Prosecutor’s Protection of Environment” was completed at the Prosecutor’s Training Center of Ukraine. Protecting the environment is one of the most important challenges that humanity has to face today. Therefore, it is important to develop legal instruments comprehensively in the field of environmental protection. Participants of the training
On June 10, 2021, the training course “Appeals against court decisions in criminal proceedings” was completed, within which the following trainings took place: “Appeals against court decisions in the court of appeal”; “Appeals against court decisions in the cassation court”; “Drafting of appeals and cassation complaints”. The training course lasted from 8 to 10 June
On June 10, 2021, the Memorandum on Cooperation with the Military Diplomatic Academy named after Yevheniy Bereznyak (hereinafter referred to as the Academy) was signed at the Prosecutor’s Training Center of Ukraine (hereinafter – the PTCU). The Academy was represented by: the Head of the Academy – Major General Krysiak Pavlo Vasylovych, the Deputy Head
On June 8-9, 2021, the training “Communication with media for prosecutors, who provide procedural guidance in criminal proceedings on criminal offenses committed in the context of armed conflict” continued at the Prosecutor’s Training Center of Ukraine. Under certain circumstances, to become a translator, interpreter, educator or to remain inactive to issues that concern society and
On June 9, 2021, a meeting with representatives of the Central Election Commission of Ukraine (the CEC) concerning the establishment and development of cooperation took place at the Prosecutor’s Training Center of Ukraine (the PTCU). The CEC’s representatives: Secretary of the Commission – Hataullina Olena, Member of the Commission – Yevstihnieiev Andrii, Head of the
On June 9, 2021, the training course “Effective Leader” for prosecutors ended at the Prosecutor’s Training Center of Ukraine. The following trainings were conducted within the course: “Organization of work in the prosecutor’s office”, “Verbal image of the head prosecutor”. “Digital Etiquette”, “Teambuilding, or Successful Teamwork of Prosecutors “. The training course lasted from June
On June 9, 2021, a special short-term training program “Legal regulation of the civil service in the prosecutor’s office” was completed. 1 day Training “Civil service: legal regulation. Defining the results civil servants’ official activities: an algorithm of actions” Trainer: Kravchuk Valerii – Prosecutor of the Department of Crime Prevention in the Prosecutor’s Office of